The show is a family workplace comedy revolved around three brothers, their workplace just happens to be the military. They are part of an Army Rear Detachment Unit in Florida, which is comprised of the soldiers who try to keep the base in order. The Rear D's main job is taking care of deployed soldiers' families. In the event that something happens to a soldier overseas, the Rear D troops break the news to the family. However, they also mow lawns at the base, sort mail, wash tanks and find lost dogs.
Stults (7th Heaven, October Road, The Finder) plays oldest brother, Sergeant Pete Hill, who gets sent to Rear D after assaulting a superior officer. He now must lead a dysfunctional squad of soldiers that includes his two younger brothers, Derrick and Randy, played by Young (Suburgatory) and Chris Lowell (Veronica Mars, Private Practice). Cabral (Friends with Benefits) plays Sergeant Jill Perez, who leads the other Read D unit on the base and Keith David (The Cape, Grey's Anatomy) is base commander Sergeant Major Donald Cody. They are also surround by an incredibly hilarious supporting cast. Along with Biegel (Scrubs, Cougar Town), it is being executive produced by Mike Royce (Men of a Certain Age, Everybody Loves Raymond).
We screened the first two episodes, as well as a third episode from later in the season, and I am now even more excited for the series to start. The entire cast has amazing chemistry on and off screen and the writing is funny, but it also has a lot of heart. They are incredibly respectful of the men and women who serve our country and at no point do they minimize the work that our soldiers do every single day. I would say that it is a cross between Scrubs, M.A.S.H. and Police Academy.
The show was originally supposed to air this Fall, but was pushed back so that the network could promote more (if you have watched any football this month on Fox, you have probably seen the commercials) and it will now premiere at 9:30/8:30c on January 10th.
You can also check out the highly entertaining Q&A from this past year's ATX Festival here, courtesy of the Nerdist Writer's Panel.
I am usually pretty picky about the sit-coms that I watch, so believe me when I tell you that you MUST check out this new show because it is fantastic. I laughed out loud through all three episodes (and maybe shed a few tears...I mean...there was something in my eye!) and very much look forward to seeing more soon.
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