Simon: No, no, we have to burn it, honey. Listen to me. The creative gods are angry. They need blood. They want sweater blood. In the name of Mister Rogers, I command you!
Andrew: I don't know if this is a good idea
Simon: Oh, come on now, Andrew. You've become a slave to wool. You're trying to pull the wool over our eyes and these fibers are as unnatural as this ruse of a relationship. Burn the demon fiber and set yourself free. Set us all free!
These are the episodes of television that I most excited about for the week of October 20. As with last week, I warn you of possible spoilers ahead.
Sunday: Witches of East End - I really was not planning on watching this show. I like the actresses in it, but it honestly looked a little silly. However, after the premiere lots of people were talking about it, so I thought I would check it out and I actually really enjoyed it. It is not perfect, by any means, but it is a lot of fun. It is about two sisters living in Long Island, both of whom do not know they are witches just like their mother and aunt. When someone starts trying to kill off each of the women, their mother must admit to them what they really are so they can defend themselves. It stars Julia Ormond, Jenna Dewan-Tatum, Rachel Boston and Mädchen Amick. As we all know, I am not a fan of scary things, but I do like witches, so this is right up my alley.
Watch Live: Once Upon A Time and The Good Wife
DVR: The Walking Dead, Homeland and Masters of Sex
Monday: How I Met Your Mother - Since this is the final season of the series, I was hoping we would see a little more of The Mother, but otherwise I have really enjoyed the episodes so far. I do not really know why but I find the "Thank you, Linus" running gag to be hilarious. I also love that we have seen more of different guest stars from past seasons like Ranjit, Barney's brother James, Patrice and Tim Gunn. I am sad that this show is coming to an end, but look forward to whatever they have in store for us as we make our way to that end. I am also a little overly excited about The Last Slap. When will it happen?!?!
Watch Live: Castle
DVR: Hart of Dixie, The Voice
Tuesday: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - While I still feel that this show needs to find its footing a little bit, I have really enjoyed the first few episodes. Right now, each episode seems to stand on its on with very little continuing storyline, but I am hoping that once we get into it a little, there will be more connecting each episode besides just the main characters. I know that they will not tell us for a while what exactly happened to Coulson, but I am enjoying the little clues here and there that they keep dropping. I am also interested to see what is going on between Agent Ward and Skye. Is there anything going on? And will we ever actually see any of the Avengers? We have already seen brief cameos from Maria Hill and Nick Fury and, I am not really expecting Dr. Banner anytime soon but, it would be pretty cool none-the-less.
Watch Live: New Girl, Trophy Wife, Sons of Anarchy
DVR: The Originals, The Goldbergs, The Voice